Matters needing attention:
Whencharging,it shouldbe placedina heat-dissipating and high temperature place.
·Letthehandwarmercool downbefore
storing inthe box
· In order to extend the battery life,the hand warmercannotbeturnedonwhenthe power of this protuct is below 5%
·Ifyou do not use it for a long time,you can ensure that there isenoughpower for use at anytime.
· Alvays check the hand warmer forfatigue orweaknessMustbeavoided ifthereare special circumstances, pleasedonot use.
·People who cannottakecare ofthe mselves, babies or children,orpeople whoare not sensitiveto heat should not useit.
· Do not use while charging
1.Long press to turn on the machinefor firstgear
2.Long press to double fiash for econd gear.
3.Long press again to turn off the machine